Monday, 23 July 2012

Relationship Guide.

What is the right thing to do?
My girls and I spend hours arguing on what is right in love but the question is “is there even the ‘right’ thing in love?” How does one know that they are making the right choice, how do you know that he is indeed the one for you? Very good questions but ladies how will you ever get the answers to that if we don’t go in and try to get the answers ourselves?
One of my friends would say “I’m afraid he may leave me.” How can he leave you when you haven’t allowed him to be in your life? I’ve witnessed so many people who love each other not make it because our fears take the better in us. Most women have issues with fear. Haven’t we all been hurt but is that the excuse of us not regaining happiness? Clearly not!
Fear will forever be with us, it will forever be a segment that defines human hood. Yes, it is normal to be scared but it is not normal if you let your fears determine the choices you make in your life and especially your relationship. If you use phrases like “I’m scared he may hurt me so it’s better we just remain friends”, then allow me to say that you are DOOMED!
Not every man walks in your life with the intention to hurt you. The problem with us women, okay I know that it takes two to tango men also have their flaws but what happened to women being considerate? I’m glad you agree. Now where was I? Oh yes the problem with us women is that we take everything to heart and we really never want to give the second guy a chance, we get too caught up on what went wrong on the previous relationship.
I think it’s time we let go. Stop punishing the poor guy for his mistakes he never made, allow him to make his own and then you will have every right to even burn him. Okay I’m joking but hope you do get my drift.
Men are from outer space!
That subtitle is just self-explanatory. Men have their… I don’t know what to call them but shall I say ‘tribal rituals or rather tribal norms’, ha ha ha. I’m serious though some things that we as women see as abnormal to them it’s completely normal. He gets to the fridge grabs a bottle of milk; he opens it and gobbles it down right then and there. As you witness this your face turns with disgust but to him he feels like a hero because he didn’t make any dishes.
This one really annoys me to bits because he can clearly see that you have been crying and he walks in and he asks you “what’s the matter?” and you reply “no it’s nothing.” Like magic, he just switches on the TV and watch sports like nothing ever happened. Seriously how could one cry over NOTHING?!
The above scenario shows that men and women differ in many ways and we should never expect men to think like us. Men don’t do mind readings, they don’t take hints it’s either you say what’s on your mind or forget about him ever finding out what is the real matter. Men usually men do many kinds of kings, which includes drin-king, smo-king, jo-king I could go on the whole day but sadly tal-king isn’t one of them. A foolish woman may give up on his men but a wise woman can come up with ways to get his men to open up.
If he did something that you didn’t like its best you tell him doesn’t wait and hope he may eventually figure it out. Well if that’s the case, I hope Christmas comes early this year. We are completely two different species we even have our genitals to prove so stop making him to think like you. Besides it would be completely weird, if you thought are like. There won’t be any lovers tiff, everything would be perfect and that wouldn’t be true love.
Love is what we make of everyday, the fights prove how madly in love you are guys are. My advice to you lovebirds is that get into three kind of fight:
1.    Fight for what you believe in.
2.    Fight for what feels right
3.    And lastly fight for what you want and love dearly
There isn’t any shame for just letting go without any fight, who said that boxing is only for men. Till next time birdies, hope you make things right.

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