Tuesday 7 February 2012

A Cinderella story.

Once upon a time in a far far away castle...There lived a beautiful girl with her two evil friends. Okay I wish my story was a fairy-tale but it isn't. We often do things and expect to put blame on others but it really work that way. Yes, people betrayed you in the past and yes, you have been hurt a thousand times but is that the reason you should live your life in regret and resent?

What I have learned is that people mustn't determine how we must live our lives, they mustn't determine the choices we make in life. Imagine having to live your life just to please others...What a drag I tell you.:) We are what we are because of other people but it doesn't mean we should suck up to whatever they say. I say take a stand and live your life the way you want to live it!

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