Thursday 22 January 2015

In her shoes!

This article is about casual sex! Yes, you heard me right. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to read out loud this article to your mom. I should have warned you though; or started off the article in a ‘not-so-straightforward’ manner but who cares though?! Time is money so I’m going straight for the kill! Casual sex is such a racy topic and it takes balls to open up about it. I know there’s probably some Facebook group fighting to get this article off the net because of its controversy and how it doesn’t go with their views and beliefs.
That awkward moment when you wake up next to a guy whom you have a faint memory of how you hooked up, worse he is cuddling you like you are some stuffy animal. That moment of torture trying to recall his name; luckily you don’t have to these days because we have alternatives such as ‘bae’! Seems like you and bae have been going on for weeks now even months yet you still don’t have a proper title for him. You just not emotionally invested in him, you just like how he caresses your clit and that’s just about it.
Women these days are jumping in on the ‘strings not attached’ ship. The bonus about that ship is you don’t need any life support should it sink, no locking yourself in your room crying for hours for an undeserving douchebag. I can’t help but wonder if weddings will still be something people attend say 20 years from now. I’m sure it will be one of those things that give people shock than orgies. Romantic relationships have become optional, women for themselves nowadays. As long as she’s satisfied sexually be it from a friend or a total stranger from the bar, her world goes on perfectly.
Does this though, make one a female player? No it doesn’t and it doesn’t make you a man-eater too. Times change and women are becoming more aware of what it takes to survive. It also scares me how the world is evolving these days. Everything is moving in a fast pace not even a Ferrari can catch up. I’m not promoting anything but if this is your cup of tea; order it with a slice of lemon!

Monday 5 August 2013

How could a stranger?

I have never been a good storyteller, let alone start a good warm fire for one either. There’s no sense of tranquillity when I slowly gaze on the margins of this tainted paper, just the thought of that ink sends shivers to my spine. Now thinking back; the feeling got me thinking if I would feel the same even when the doors of heaven opened… Would it be less or more?

Some things happen and they just leave you with many lingering questions. I have never thought that a stranger could be the one who picks me up when I fall and that he would be the one who puts a smile across my face. It was just like a puzzle, the picture just came together and everything seemed so clear. I now know what they mean when they say, “You find love in a hopeless place.”

I met my prince at a bus station; he looked so lost and confused. He took a step towards me and cleared is voice before he could utter a word. “Excuse me madam”, he said in a rather funny accent. For some reason I wanted to laugh at his strange twang. When I looked up, he had amagwinya and atchar in his hand. How did he know they were my favourite? “Care to join me?” he asked.

I don’t know how cupid operates but his factory manufactures products that bring nothing but bliss to its consumers. His arrow has got me in the arse. After all the drama I had last year surely I had to pick up the pieces and hope something good will come my way. Samu met me at my most vulnerable state; my heart was covered in a layer of soft iron. I had a flash outside but I was wearing a knight’s armour covering my skeleton and all my other defenceless organs.

Samu’s kindness and love cushioned my heart. Slowly but surely the iron inside me molten and before I even realised it my bloodstream was creating a fountain of love. Loving Samu wasn’t a part of the plan but love doesn’t ask why it speaks from the heart. My Cinderella story is different, my prince came to me bare foot and he was wearing a chino which gave his bum a flattering lift. He had no spear or bow and arrow to save me from the dreaded dragon but he has his love which saved me from my world of loneliness and rage.

I never thought I could ever love again. My past experience clouded my judgement and I lived in fear. I was so scared to get out of my cocoon and live life like everyone else. My future was opaque and bitter. Falling in love again was the best moment of my life. It has brought me nothing but out most joy. Like a pirate who has discovered treasure, in his heart I've found my worth. With love I believe in magic. The doors of heaven have just opened and I'm in ecstasy .

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Lonmin Shooting

Jody Jacobs
Jody Jacobs focused more the court case side. Her tweets were a consent update on the court case and more from the police side. Jody was rather interested on what did the police do, she took the angle of trying to figure out who begun shooting first. Her tweets were specific and on to the point. She had accurate figures and she gave her followers a timeously updates on what was happening in the court proceedings.
Cathy Mohlalana
Cathy’s angle was more on the miners. She looked at the miners’ health and their condition after the arrest. Cathy was more diverse with her reporting’s, her tweets consists of different angles all relevant to the Marikana Massacre. She also looked at the residents on how they were taking all of this shooting. She kept a constant update on what was happening in the Lonmin shooting even days after the shooting.
Sipho Hlogwane
Sipho Hlogwane focused on the angle of who shoot first. His reports include retweets from various journalists. His tweets focus mainly on the police side, like what did the police do, and how they could have avoided all the shooting. He also managed to keep a constant tweet update to his followers.  
 I feel like Jody Jacobs reported best in the whole Lonmin shooting because her tweets reflect some journalistic elements like she remained objective all the time. Her tweets show accuracy, even though they were short they included tangible information and it could draw a clear picture on what was happening in the court room. Her constant update, made her followers even more interested on her tweets and they knew she wouldn’t disappoint. She was able to work under pressure; she didn’t miss any deadlines with her tweets. She made it easy for her followers to analyse and understand what was really going on.
Cathy Mohlalana also did a terrific job by giving her followers versatility. It was a clever idea that she didn’t dwell in a specific angle. It was a very good thing that she looked at all angles and gave as much information she could. Her reports also paint a clear picture on what happened on the day of the Lonmin shooting and what is happening after. She included views from all the parties involved, of which proved that her tweets weren’t one sided.
Sipho Hlogwane I feel like he didn’t remain objective throughout this whole shooting. His Tweets clearly indicates that he implicates the police and blames them on what happened. As journalists it is crucial to remain objective. He was misleading his readers somehow but we all know that your twitter account it’s all about how you feel. I guess he had a right to write what he feels like but it doesn’t reflect good journalism skills.

Monday 23 July 2012

Relationship Guide.

What is the right thing to do?
My girls and I spend hours arguing on what is right in love but the question is “is there even the ‘right’ thing in love?” How does one know that they are making the right choice, how do you know that he is indeed the one for you? Very good questions but ladies how will you ever get the answers to that if we don’t go in and try to get the answers ourselves?
One of my friends would say “I’m afraid he may leave me.” How can he leave you when you haven’t allowed him to be in your life? I’ve witnessed so many people who love each other not make it because our fears take the better in us. Most women have issues with fear. Haven’t we all been hurt but is that the excuse of us not regaining happiness? Clearly not!
Fear will forever be with us, it will forever be a segment that defines human hood. Yes, it is normal to be scared but it is not normal if you let your fears determine the choices you make in your life and especially your relationship. If you use phrases like “I’m scared he may hurt me so it’s better we just remain friends”, then allow me to say that you are DOOMED!
Not every man walks in your life with the intention to hurt you. The problem with us women, okay I know that it takes two to tango men also have their flaws but what happened to women being considerate? I’m glad you agree. Now where was I? Oh yes the problem with us women is that we take everything to heart and we really never want to give the second guy a chance, we get too caught up on what went wrong on the previous relationship.
I think it’s time we let go. Stop punishing the poor guy for his mistakes he never made, allow him to make his own and then you will have every right to even burn him. Okay I’m joking but hope you do get my drift.
Men are from outer space!
That subtitle is just self-explanatory. Men have their… I don’t know what to call them but shall I say ‘tribal rituals or rather tribal norms’, ha ha ha. I’m serious though some things that we as women see as abnormal to them it’s completely normal. He gets to the fridge grabs a bottle of milk; he opens it and gobbles it down right then and there. As you witness this your face turns with disgust but to him he feels like a hero because he didn’t make any dishes.
This one really annoys me to bits because he can clearly see that you have been crying and he walks in and he asks you “what’s the matter?” and you reply “no it’s nothing.” Like magic, he just switches on the TV and watch sports like nothing ever happened. Seriously how could one cry over NOTHING?!
The above scenario shows that men and women differ in many ways and we should never expect men to think like us. Men don’t do mind readings, they don’t take hints it’s either you say what’s on your mind or forget about him ever finding out what is the real matter. Men usually men do many kinds of kings, which includes drin-king, smo-king, jo-king I could go on the whole day but sadly tal-king isn’t one of them. A foolish woman may give up on his men but a wise woman can come up with ways to get his men to open up.
If he did something that you didn’t like its best you tell him doesn’t wait and hope he may eventually figure it out. Well if that’s the case, I hope Christmas comes early this year. We are completely two different species we even have our genitals to prove so stop making him to think like you. Besides it would be completely weird, if you thought are like. There won’t be any lovers tiff, everything would be perfect and that wouldn’t be true love.
Love is what we make of everyday, the fights prove how madly in love you are guys are. My advice to you lovebirds is that get into three kind of fight:
1.    Fight for what you believe in.
2.    Fight for what feels right
3.    And lastly fight for what you want and love dearly
There isn’t any shame for just letting go without any fight, who said that boxing is only for men. Till next time birdies, hope you make things right.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Township bliss is pure bliss!

Taxi bells… Loud music… People moving about the streets and not forgetting the corners where you will find your car wash or chicken dust then you know you have finally stepped in to a township.

Chicken dust is a place where they sell your grilled chicken more like your Nandos minus the fancy décor and tills. That aroma of a slightly burnt grilled chicken will fill the atmosphere of the streets. There is nothing fancy about a township but the memoirs of it are everlasting and priceless.

The foreseeable circumstances.

Everything that happens in the townships is somehow predictable; you will have this nosy neighbour that will be the first one you always see every morning, and when I say morning I don’t mean 10am…I mean as early as dawn.

This kind of woman is more like the journalist of the community because she always has something and someone to gossip about. She is the kind of a neighbour you’d find peeping through her windows as late as 11pm. She is always up to date with the who’s and whose and who’s doing what at what hour.

The other woman in the community will always have these secret meetings just to gang up on her and to teach her a lesson.

Then you would have the street loafers. These are the typical guys that have given up on life and what it has to give out. These guys usually avoid to bath at all times and the only thing that means the world to them is their drugs. The guys stand in the corner playing dice and probably stabbing one another in the end.

I wouldn’t imagine the ghetto without one of these guys. The streets would be awfully quite, it just wouldn’t be the same. “Ela sista do you have some spare change to spare?” one of the guys would ask. The hilarious thing about that line is that the guys are usually ten years or older than you, so how do they expect you to have money if they don’t.

The scariest fact about these men is that never get married and they never, I mean never leave home. They become one of those uncles. I know almost every household has someone like this, the black sheep of the family.

How can I forget the wicked lady next-door? This is the lady who doesn’t have any kids and has a lot of cats. She doesn’t like kids at all and it’s her mission to make every kid’s life in the neighbourhood miserable. Everytime the children would go out and play in the streets, they pray by all means that their ball doesn’t end up in her yard.

Pure vibe.

People from kasi don’t need a reason to celebrate; every day is an occasion to them. There are only two week days in the township and the rest is the weekend to them. Tuesday and Wednesday are the only quite days. The true weekend begins with Thursday rather known as Phuza Thursday (Drinking Thursday). This is a typical day especially for the guys to meet at any local shebeen. People will get so drunk that you even think that some of them aren’t supposed to get to work the morning after.

Even school children stay up late that night. They go to an extent that they drink their transport money that is supposed to take them to work.

Once you have been born and bred in a kasi, the kasi in you will forever remain in your blood. For an example you would get one of those guys who have made a breakthrough with their lives. They have made it big; they even managed to buy themselves that lovely mansion house that we all dreamt of as kids. The guy will be living a lavish life with nice big cars but the funny part you always see them roaming around the streets of the township.

You would swear the guy still lives there. So it is true after all about what they say about having all the money in the world and that it will never take out the township in you. Since the guy has made it big, he will be the one who will be buying the whole streets booze to keep them up all night. Girls on the other side will be fighting to get him simply because they want a taste of the good life.

People from the community will praise these kinds of guys because they somehow have put their township on the map. His rich business friends will also want to join him and see the place he hangs so automatically there will be more profits for those who own shebeens.  Mandoza, Thembi Seete, Lebo Mathosa, Sbu Leope and even the former president himself Nelson Mandela are the examples of people who haved made it big from townships.

Bills must be paid!

I know lot of people think everything associated with a township is crime and drugs of which that’s not necessary true. Everyone’s bills must be paid and there is no way you can bills without a proper job and going to school to be a better someone.

In townships schools are not on the list of their favourites but they still strive to make it. Only three out of ten people from townships get accepted in university and only about two from that really want to pursue a decent career and go to school for it.

Feeling the buzz

Definition of Tsotsi taal.

According to a Wikipedia dictionary it means: “Tsotsitaals are a variety of mixed languages mainly spoken in the townships of Gauteng province, such as Soweto, but also in other agglomerations all over South Africa. Tsotsi is a Sesotho slang word for a "thug" or "robber" (possibly from the verb "ho tsotsa" "to sharpen" — whose meaning has been modified in modern times to include "to con"; or from the tsetse fly, as the language was first known as Flytaal, although "flaai" also means cool or street smart) and taal is the Afrikaans word for "language". A tsotsitaal is built over the grammar of one or several languages, in which terms from other languages or specific terms created by the community of speakers are added. It is a permanent work of language-mix, language-switch, and terms-coining.”

Top Five townships destinations for tourists.

·         Spin City: It’s a place where they spin cars.

·         Shisa nyama: It’s where you’d get your braid meat.

·         Shebeen: Any local hang out where they sell booze

Ghetto lingo.

·         Ekse: means hello

·         Fede: How are

·         Ingamla: tourist.

·         Amachankura: money.


New Media

The mainstream media is a concentrated platform where editors only deliver what they want the public to consume but the social media is unlimited and unrestricted. It is not regulated and allows the public to contribute in the news distribution process. New technologies have created a wide space of disseminating information.

The new media provides ordinary people with more and convenient ways of consuming news. People no longer buy newspaper as they used to or wait for the daily prime-time bulletin on TV. They don’t want news on fixed times hence they expect updates every now and then. The public also wants broader selections of topics and social sites have made this a whole lot easier.

Technological developments, especially mobile technology, have empowered individuals. They have bridged the digital-gap and make news more easily accessible.