Friday 26 August 2011

Hard times for love!

Cry my dear friend it’s not like crying is something new.
Sleepless nights are your sweetest dreams.
Break my spirit once more; I urge you!
Emotional breaking down is my daily routine.
Hurt me once more for the internal bruises that you give me shall never be seen.
Turning and tossing have became my best friends,
Make me fall once more because I am patiently waiting for you to pick me up only to make me fall again.
Toy with my emotions because I’m just your playmate,
Shag my feelings because they will feel good afterwards.
Poison me with lies because they are killing me softly.
Put a micro-chip in my brain because I believe I am specially programmed for you.
Confuse me more because after all we are the lost generation!

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